
Intermediate VB.NET Programming Lesson 8. Infinity

Intermediate VB.NET Programming Lesson 8. Infinity

This is the eighth in a series of computer science video tutorials for intermediate Visual Basic programmers who have completed the beginner’s series of video tutorials or are already familiar with the VB.NET syntax for the fundamental programming constructs. In this lesson you will learn about infinity and some of the facilities built into VB.NET for working with infinity. After a brief introduction to the nature of infinity, you learn how division by zero does not necessarily generate an overflow exception, or a divide by zero exception, rather, it can generate a result of infinity. You will learn about the difference between positive infinity and negative infinity, and how to test for infinity in your code using Double.IsInfinity, Double.IsPositiveInfinity and Double.IsNegativeInfinity. You will also meet a special constant known as NaN, Not a Number. Finally, you will learn how to perform integer division in VB.NET (rather than the normal floating point division), why you might use integer division, and how this can generate a divide by zero exception.

00:00 What is infinity?
01:59 The System.OverflowException
03:23 Infinity from division by zero
04:10 Infinity plus one
04:41 Not a number NaN
05:03 Positive infinity versus negative infinity
06:38 Testing for infinity
07:57 Integer division
08:30 The System.DivideByZeroException

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