
Amazon DynamoDB for .NET Developers | CRUD in ASP.NET Core | .NET on AWS

Amazon DynamoDB for .NET Developers | CRUD in ASP.NET Core | .NET on AWS

In this video, we will be learning about Amazon DynamoDb and how you can integrate it with your .NET applications. We will go through the basics of DynamoDb like creating your first table with partition and sort keys, and getting familiar with the Management Dashboard, which will be helpful if you are a complete beginner to this service. We will also build a simple ASP.NET Core Web API that performs Create, Read, Update & Delete operations over a specific entity in DynamoDB.

This video is sponsored by AWS and is a part of my ongoing .NET on AWS series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLigUNuP4l_bPnDeuk0DlO_Fba4bcIVSNN

Read the text version of this video here (All the links mentioned in the video are available here): https://codewithmukesh.com/blog/crud-with-dynamodb-in-aspnet-core/

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