
STUPID DECISION! Europe Lists Russia As a STATE SPONSOR OF TERRORISM Even Though the U.S Denies.

STUPID DECISION! Europe Lists Russia As a STATE SPONSOR OF TERRORISM Even Though the U.S Denies.

The European Parliament passed a resolution on the 23rd declaring Russia a “state sponsor of terrorism” and urging EU member states to do the same. The resolution, which is both stupid and not legally binding, is not easy to say, and Russia is angry.
The European Parliament has accused Russia of violating international law by attacking civilian facilities such as infrastructure in its military campaign against Ukraine.
This resolution is not legally binding and is only a symbolic act. The EU also does not have a list of terrorist states like the US, but it has repeatedly condemned Russian military actions in Ukraine as amounting to war crimes. The European Parliament has stated that deliberate attacks and atrocities, destruction of civilian infrastructure and other serious violations of international and humanitarian law committed by Russian forces and their proxies against Ukrainian civilians constitute acts of terrorism and amount to war crimes.
The parliament said it “recognises Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state which uses means of terrorism”.
Kyiv has been calling on the international community to declare Russia a “terrorist state” over its invasion of the country, and the Strasbourg parliament’s decision will likely anger Moscow.
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky hailed the vote.
“Russia must be isolated at all levels and held accountable in order to end its long-standing policy of terrorism in Ukraine and across the globe,” he said in a social media post.

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