
Benefits of web3.0 | How Web3 is the future | Part 2 | NBIC

Benefits of web3.0 | How Web3 is the future | Part 2 | NBIC

Benefits of web 3.0 Part 2

➡ Web 3.0, the next version of the web, is the read-write-execute web, also called the executable web. The first step was made when dynamic apps, machine-to-machine communication, and interactive services were introduced.

➡ Data is not owned, instead, it is shared, and different services have different views of the same data/web.

➡ Web 3.0 is also called the “Semantic Web,” which means that machines would be able to process content like humans and that all data would be linked and understood both logically and technically. This would make it possible for AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) to be released.

➡ Semantic information also shows users the information that helps them stay in touch. As a result, the user experience jumps to a new level of connectivity that uses all the information that is available.



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