
Load Balancer as a Service with VMware Cloud Director

Load Balancer as a Service with VMware Cloud Director

Watch this video to learn more about the integration between VMware Cloud Director and VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer that enables Cloud Providers to offer LBaaS to their tenants. It will guide you through all the steps from adding a NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller to creating a Virtual Service. Stay tuned to our blog -https://blogs.vmware.com/cloudprovider/products/vmware-cloud-director and learn everything about all the exciting new features that VMware Cloud Director offers.

00:00 – 00:31 – Intro
00:32 – 02:07 – Provider setup
02:08 – 03:17 – Enabling LBaaS for a tenant
03:18 – 05:22 – Creating a Virtual Service in VMware Cloud Director
05:23 – 05:31 – Outro

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