First C Program | Use of n | Programming In C

First C Program | Use of n | Programming In C

First C Program | Use of n | Programming In C

First C Program | Use of n | Programming In C

In this lecture we will learn to code our first c program and also we will be learning the use of the n character.

what is preprocessor directive

what is the header file

what is the need for header files


what is function

what is a predefined function

what is the main function

Why is the main function called the entry point

Who calls the main function

what is printf

use of printf function

what is the clrscr function

use of clrscr function

what is the getch function

use of the getch function

what is n in c

use of n in c

Programming in C


c programming


C language full course


Computer science

c language

c tutorial

c tutorial for beginners

programming in c