Run PostgreSQL:The Kubernetes way

Run PostgreSQL:The Kubernetes way

Run PostgreSQL:The Kubernetes way

Title: Run PostgreSQL:The Kubernetes way

Abstract: CloudNativePG is an open source operator designed to manage PostgreSQL workloads on any supported Kubernetes cluster running in private, public, hybrid, or multi-cloud environments. CloudNativePG adheres to DevOps principles and concepts such as declarative configuration and immutable infrastructure. It defines a new Kubernetes resource called Cluster representing a PostgreSQL cluster made up of a single primary and an optional number of replicas that co-exist in a chosen Kubernetes namespace for High Availability and offloading of read-only queries. Applications that reside in the same Kubernetes cluster can access the PostgreSQL database using a service which is solely managed by the operator, without having to worry about changes of the primary role following a failover or a switchover. Applications that reside outside the Kubernetes cluster, need to configure a Service or Ingress object to expose the Postgres via TCP. Web applications can take advantage of the native connection pooler based on PgBouncer. We will cover Day 0 to Day 2 Operations and How data on Kubernetes is more important these days. Talk will cover about Day 0: Planning Day 1: Setup and validate. Day2 : Day2 operations Like Restore and Scaling.

Danish Khan, Jitendra Wadle from EDB