JS Exercise #3 : Todo List | Todo Add PART 1 | JavaScript Tutorial 2023 Hindi #35 | Mohit Prajapat

JS Exercise #3 : Todo List | Todo Add PART 1 | JavaScript Tutorial 2023 Hindi #35 | Mohit Prajapat

JS Exercise #3 : Todo List | Todo Add PART 1 | JavaScript Tutorial 2023 Hindi #35 | Mohit Prajapat

JavaScript Todo List Exercise: Create and Manage Your Tasks with a Single Click! ✅📝

In this video, we guide you through the step-by-step process of building a simple todo list with the following features:

🔹 Creating a new todo item by clicking a button.
🔹 Displaying the newly created todo item on the screen.
🔹 Implementing the ability to mark todo items as complete or remove them.
🔹 Updating the visual state of todo items based on their completion status.

Get ready to level up your JavaScript skills as we embark on this journey to build a functional and stylish todo list application. Let’s start ticking off those tasks and stay organized like never before! 📝✅

🤖Bootstrao: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/getting-started/introduction/
🧾Source Code : https://github.com/mohitprajapat2001/JavaScript-Tutorial

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Tags :
#mohitprajapat, #JavaScript , #CodingExercise , #JokeGenerator ,#programminghumor , #JavaScript #CodingExercise #GuessTheNumber #BeginnerFriendly #Arrays #CodingJourney #ArrayManipulation #advancedtechniques #Polymorphism #Versatility #Flexibility #Abstraction #CodeDesign #Simplification#Inheritance #CodeReuse #Hierarchy #Encapsulation #CodeOrganization #DataProtection #Modularity#ObjectOrientedProgramming #JavaScriptClasses #Coding #WebDevelopment 🌐 #Loops , #JavaScriptoperator , #operator , web development, programming, computer science, front-end development, back-end development, web design, HTML, CSS, jQuery, React, Node.js, Vue.js, Angular, ES6, programming languages, software development, coding, computer engineering, software engineering, web programming, web applications, website design, website development, web technologies, client-side scripting, server-side scripting, web scripting, full-stack development, software architecture, software design, software testing, debugging, coding tutorials, coding challenges, coding bootcamps, coding courses, online learning, education, online courses, e-learning, learning to code, coding for beginners, coding tips, coding tricks, coding best practices, JavaScript libraries, web frameworks, software frameworks, software tools, software libraries, tech news, technology, software updates, open-source software, developer tools, software development kits, APIs, web APIs, web services, RESTful APIs, JSON, AJAX, DOM, ECMAScript, TypeScript, software security, website security, website performance, web optimization, web analytics, UX design, UI design, mobile development, iOS development, Android development, game development, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, DevOps, software deployment, agile methodology, software project management, software engineering practices, software development methodologies, computer algorithms, data structures, software quality assurance, software testing methodologies, software development trends, software development news, tech reviews, software product reviews, programming concepts, software engineering concepts.