
Celery in Django | Celery Beat | Redis | Send Mail Using Celery Exercise | Asynchronous Task Django

Celery in Django | Celery Beat | Redis | Send Mail Using Celery Exercise | Asynchronous Task Django

#celery #celerybeat #redis #django

In this video i am explaining how to use celery and celery beat in django. i am creating one exercise to send mail to all users using django celery and celery beat.

celery execution pools reference :- https://www.distributedpython.com/2018/10/26/celery-execution-pool/

Redis Installation Link :- https://thecodespace.in/celery-in-django-celery-beat-explained-with-examples/

Blog post link :- https://thecodespace.in/celery-in-django-celery-beat-explained-with-examples/

Github code link :- https://github.com/rajparmarr2308/django-celery-yt

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Celery in Django
Celery Beat in Django
Asynchronous Task using celery
Asynchronous Task using django
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Redis with celery
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Raj Parmar

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