
Best Practices for Getting Started with NGINX Open Source

Best Practices for Getting Started with NGINX Open Source

You already use NGINX open source, but can you take its performance “over 9000”? Alessandro Fael Garcia, Senior Solution Engineer for NGINX, describes best practices for configuring NGINX open source as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and cache, and how small adjustments with NGINX directives can improve performance.

Alessandro Fael Garcia

How to Get Started With NGINX

The NGINX Wiki

Installing NGINX Open Source

00:00 Introduction
01:09 What is NGINX?
01:54 What are the best practices when installing NGINX?
02:19 Use the official NGINX open source repository when installing NGINX
03:04 Know your key NGINX commands
03:47 Stick to your recommended NGINX directory structures when install NGINX
05:07 Use Let’s Encrypt and Certbot for easy certs when installing NGINX
05:38 nginx.conf
06:07 worker_processes
06:50 worker_connections & worker_rlimit_nofile
08:05 access_log
08:42 keepalive
09:02 ssl_session_cache
09:34 proxy_cache_lock
10:52 Common NGINX mistakes when installing NGINX
11:20 Directive inheritance is not additive
11:54 ip_hash
12:18 proxy buffering
12:38 stub_status
13:10 proxy_pass
13:38 If is Evil

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