
Top 5 C# JSON Deserialization Tips

Top 5 C# JSON Deserialization Tips

My top 5 tips to get you going deserializing JSON. C#’s comes with a built-in method called JsonSerializer. It is the fastest by far and it checks property names being equal to the names in the JSON. But the times when there’s no match there are options that can be configured to accommodate.

Additional Info:

For the full video see “From JSON to Object | Get to Know the Best C# Deserializer | HINT: It’s not NewtonSoft.JSON” via https://youtu.be/NdpDkJy6M0s

For the full written article see “The Best C# Deserializer To Convert JSON To An Object: https://puzzledbycsharp.com/json/the-best-csharp-deserializer-to-convert-json-to-an-object/


► There is a variety of how-to articles, code snippets,, which cover a variety of topics. https://puzzledbycsharp.com/

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