
Apache Spark and MongoDB sneak peek demo

Apache Spark and MongoDB sneak peek demo

Ever wondered how the job of a data engineer looks like on a day-to-day basis? Here’s a sneak peak to know so!

In Empathy Data Academy we’re covering a wide range of technologies so our students can build a solid foundation upon which they can use for their very own projects and ease up the learning process and curve of managing several technologies while maintaining your pipeline in good shape.

Apache Beam, Apache Spark and MongoDB are our selected technologies in this path to build their very first ETL pipeline.

In this short introduction you’ll be seeing some examples on how to work with Apache Spark to obtain insightful analytics over your dataset of choice.

Also, time is key in data retrieval, that’s why we will also cover how you can easily speed up queries with indexes and how data in MongoDB looks like!

Together with a short introduction to its aggregation framework.

Tutorial by Edgar Herrero

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