
NE #66 How to code TCP Client and GUI in Visual BASIC 2017: Accessing Xena Gig test set API

NE #66 How to code TCP Client and GUI in Visual BASIC 2017: Accessing Xena Gig test set API

In today’s Automation Minute, we are going to create a small GUI in Visual Basic that uses the Socket.TCPClient class to send commands to our Xena gigabit test set’s API and uses the Sockets.NetworkStream class to read the responses back.

XenaTcpClientTest source code and Visual Studio project files: https://github.com/muxall/Automation/tree/master/XenaTcpClientTest

Microsoft’s .Net TcpClient Class Example : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.sockets.tcpclient?view=netframework-4.7.2

Xena’s Scripting API Overview: https://xenanetworks.com/xena-layer-2-3-scripting-api

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Michael Crane
Muxall LLC
Dallas, Texas, USA
Phone: 1-972-212-6890
Email: i n f o (at) m u x a l l . c o m
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