
Step-By-Step: Reactive REST (CRUD) application with Spring WebFlux + PostgreSQL.

Step-By-Step: Reactive REST (CRUD) application with Spring WebFlux + PostgreSQL.

#WebFlux #Spring #CRUD #R2DBC #PostgreSQL

This Video is a Step-By-Step guide to build a reactive REST Spring boot application using Spring WebFlux + PostgreSQL.
You can find all the demo code here –

Github – https://github.com/tech-recipes/reactive-postgres-demo

0:00 Overview
2:28 Create a table
3:15 Spring Initializer
4:24 Intellij Import and Setup
6:10 Create Model Class
8:01 Create Reactive repository
9:25 Create a RestController
Links to tools used in the video:

DBeaver Community: https://dbeaver.io/download/
Spring Initializer: https://start.spring.io/
Intellij Idea: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
Insomnia Rest: https://insomnia.rest/

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