How to deploy a JAR file on Tomcat in Morpheus – Morpheus Minute

How to deploy a JAR file on Tomcat in Morpheus – Morpheus Minute

How to deploy a JAR file on Tomcat in Morpheus - Morpheus Minute

Demo Morpheus Today:
Learn how to deploy a JAR file to a Tomcat instance using Morpheus’ simple drag-and-drop interface and one-touch version control. Also learn how to access and manage production environments and with Catalina Options.

Welcome to the Morpheus Minute

Today we’re going to deploy a jar file on Tomcat

In a previous Morpheus minute, we deployed a tomcat instance. Now we’ll

deploy a jar file to it using a drag and drop method

To deploy jar file:

Click Provisioning, Instances, then select the name of the instance where you’ll be

deploying. Select the name of the tomcat server you want to use.

Once the instance page loads, click on the deploy tab and select New Deploy.

I need to configure a few catalina options for my jar file so we’ll do that here as


Now I’ll just click and drag a file onto the screen where it says “Drag Files here”

and wait for it to upload.

Morpheus supports using Fetch and Git for deployments as well if you want to

connect to those repositories.

Now click save.

In the instance details screen, click Actions, then click restart instance. You may

or may not need to do that depending on the deployment you’re doing.

That’s it!

Thanks for watching this Morpheus Minute.