
MyISAM Parameters in MySQL | MySQL Tutorial for Beginners

MyISAM Parameters in MySQL | MySQL Tutorial for Beginners

Gone through a MySQL installation? Went through an advanced MySQL tutorial but still find yourself using MyISAM? Know that MyISAM is an obsolete storage engine but still want to use it because of the COUNT(*) query benefits that it provides? Watch this mysql tutorial for beginners and educate yourself on all of the MyISAM parameters you need to optimize if you plan to use this storage engine in MySQL server!

This sql tutorial will focus on these parameters crucial to MyISAM:
1) myisam_sort_buffer_size – the MyISAM sort-buffer-size sets the size of the buffer that is allocated for a SQL index on a MyISAM table.
2) key_buffer_size – the key-buffer-size is the equivalent of the innodb-buffer-pool in MyISAM. It is a variable exclusive to MyISAM which defines the size of the buffer that is used for index blocks. If you’ve ever listened to a sql full course, you probably heard of it! Run any sql queries on your myisam-based mysql server? Your mysql install will use this variable.
3) sort_buffer_size – the sort-buffer-size defines the buffer size of all queries requiring sort operations on a MyISAM-based table. In some developer interviews, a question “”what is the sort buffer size and what does it do?”” might pop up as part of sql interview questions too, so be aware of it!
4) read_buffer_size – the myisam engine in mysql also has this parameter and optimizing the myisam engine read-buffer-size parameter might be a necessity if you have queries that are performing sequential or full-table scans.
5) write_buffer_size – this parameter in the myisam engine describes the size of the write buffer in MyISAM.

Even though MyISAM is considered obsolete and has long been replaced by his brother InnoDB, people still use it. The myisam storage engine sometimes is even the reason around the debate involving sql vs nosql, but the only reason to use it is if you need faster COUNT(*) queries since MyISAM stores the rwo count inside of its table metadata – InnoDB does not.
If you still find yourself using MyISAM, switch myisam to innodb ASAP!

Below you will find some of the most common sql interview questions and answers that you may be asked in a developer interview.

Q: MyISAM vs InnoDB. Which one should I choose? Why?
A: Choose InnoDB since InnoDB supports everything MyISAM supported in the past unless you need faster performance with COUNT(*) queries.

Q: MyISAM vs InnoDB performance or MyISAM vs InnoDB speed. Which one will fare better?
A: InnoDB performance will be better unless you run COUNT(*) queries.

Q: I’ve heard that myisam performs row level locking. Is that true?
A: No, that’s not true. myisam performs table-level locking. If you want row level locking, switch to InnoDB or Percona XtraDB.

Q: Is there a sql full course or any mysql tutorial that would cover mysql storage engines in more detail in all complex aspects?
A: Not that we know of, but if needed, we’ll make a sql course talking about everything: sql basics, sql queries, sql vs nosql, sql for data analysis, etc.

Q: How to protect against SQL injection?
A: Don’t pass user input into a SQL query. You really don’t need to pass a mysql advanced tutorial to know this – it’s that simple!

Q: Should I use a sql index to speed up sql queries? Which sql queries does a sql index help speed up?
A: You should use a sql index to speed up your SELECT queries. For more information and to have sql indexes explained in more detail, refer to our video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clr2cFrIJpA

Q: What types of SQL indexes exist?
A: There are B-Tree indexes, R-Tree indexes, hash indexes, covering indexes, clustered indexes, multicolumn or composite SQL indexes, and prefix indexes.

Q: What is the most popular type of a mysql index?
A: A B-tree sql index is the most popular type of a mysql index.

Make sure to watch some of our other videos depicting SQL injection, sql indexes and other things! Some of them are linked below.

A video depicting database slowness reasons and quickly explaining how to overcome database slowness can be found here: https://youtube.com/shorts/beLkSf0_Ms4
sql injection explained: https://youtu.be/chlxLvrAj0U
secure-file-priv MySQL video: https://youtube.com/shorts/nYeD9-lPj_M

Enjoy the MySQL tutorial!

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