
Script Tattoo & Calligraphy for Beginners | Learn custom tattoo design for Small Tattoos

In this class, learn how to make a customized Script Tattoo, from selecting the appropriate font to adding elements in the tattoo, as per the client’s needs.

Script Tattoos are one of the most sought tattoos since one can express maximum emotions in simple short words. As a beginner, a tattoo artist should definitely try his hand at Script Tattoos since he can learn the basics of fine lining, shadows, dot-work, and much more while making Script Tattoos.

Learn the techniques for Script Tattoos. They’re not so difficult to do and with sufficient knowledge from this class and proper practice, you can master Script Tattoos and have clients lined up for your handwork.

Watch the complete tutorial on LILAs Website: https://www.learnitlikealiens.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunnybhanushali/

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