
How to Register Domain Name with NameCheap

How to Register Domain Name with NameCheap

How to Register a Domain Name:

You need to decide what your domain name is going to be. If you are going to be making your website about yourself, or about a company name, use that. Otherwise, you will want to enrich your domain name with keywords. Use the Google Keyword Tool to find most-searched terms. If you haven’t figured out already, my domain name is “ZachMarketing.com”
After you have an idea for your domain name, you’ll need to see if it’s available. You can go to NameCheap and find cheap domain names.
Once you’re on the NameCheap website after clicking the link above, you can type into the text-box indicating your preferred domain name. Then hit search.

Next, you’ll see a large list with many different TLDs (top-level domains). The unavailable ones are in grey. If available, you will want to use a .COM domain name, then .NET, and .ORG. Most other TLDs are uncommon and aren’t popular. You then can click “Add to Cart,” or you can check the tick-box and add the domains to cart. Once in your cart, you can apply PROMO codes, which are available at RetailMeNot’s Namecheap section.

Great, after you have completed the purchase of your domain, you are set! Stay tuned to my blog, here at http://ZachMarketing.com for the next guide about hosting!

Here at ZachMarketing, we provide cutting-edge social media marketing tips and guides. We believe that marketing shouldn’t dent your wallet – and should be fun too! Visit us at www.ZachMarketing.com for tips and tricks to get started with minimal costs today!

Marketing for small businesses.

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