Using the Oracle Cloud to digitize health records and fight disease

Using the Oracle Cloud to digitize health records and fight disease

Using the Oracle Cloud to digitize health records and fight disease

Doctors and nurses use data and the Oracle Cloud to save lives.

Oracle and the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change have partnered to create digital vaccine records for Ghana’s yellow fever campaign. The Oracle Cloud helps doctors keep track of everyone they vaccinate.

While the yellow fever virus is not new, it has one terrible thing in common with COVID-19: they are both killers. Half of people infected with yellow fever who develop severe symptoms die in less than two weeks. An effective vaccine exists, but delivering it to millions of people, creating millions of health records, and making sure everyone is vaccinated, are massive challenges.

That’s where Oracle can help. Working together with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, we supply three African nations, Ghana, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone, with a cloud-based, electronic health records system to manage data for their large-scale vaccination programs, contain major disease outbreaks, and save lives.