
Mapping Domain-Driven Design Concepts To The Database With EF Core

Mapping Domain-Driven Design Concepts To The Database With EF Core

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Domain-Driven Design is practical for developing a rich domain model. However, it can be problematic when mapping to the database with an ORM. Aggregates, entities, and value objects are typically nicely encapsulated. But EF Core works really well with Domain-Driven Design concepts, and I’ll show you how to implement mapping to the database.

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0:00 What do we need to map with EF Core?
1:56 Starting with DbContext
2:36 Customer entity configuration
3:55 Mapping Strongly typed IDs with EF Core
5:07 Adding a unique index with Fluent API
5:45 Product entity configuration
6:41 Mapping Value Objects with Value Conversions
7:51 Mapping Value Objects with Owned Entities
8:51 Order entity configuration
9:56 Mapping One-to-Many relationships
11:14 Mapping encapsulated collection with EF Core
13:47 LineItem entity configuration
14:51 Creating the EF Core database migration
15:39 How Value Objects are mapped to the database
16:49 Relationships in EF migrations
17:17 Database indexes in EF migrations

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