
IPV6 basics and IPV6 Representation in Computer Networks

IPV6 basics and IPV6 Representation in Computer Networks

IPV6 basics and IPV6 Representation in Computer Networks is explained with the following timecodes:

0:00 – IPV6 Addressing in Computer Network
0:25 – IPV6 basics
4:43 – IPV6 Representation

The following points are covered in this video:
0. Computer Network
1. Network Layer
2. IPV6 Addressing
3. IPV6 basics
4. IPV6 Representation

Engineering Funda channel is all about Engineering and Technology. Here this video is a part of Computer Network.

#IPV6 #NetworkLayer #ComputerNetwork #EngineeringFunda

Basics of IPV6
In IPV4, the Address size is 32 bits, which leads to around 4 billion addresses.
In 2023, so many devices need an internet connection due to IoT devices. {Mobile, Smartwatch, TV, Freeze, AC, Embedded systems, and many more}
IPV6 has the 128-bit size of IP addressing, Which leads to 𝟐^πŸπŸπŸ– number of IP addresses {Extreme number of IPs}.
So gradually, the computer network is moving towards IPV6, Although IPV4 is also there in practice {in 2023}.

Hexadecimal Representation

Compressed Representation

The IPv6 address β€œfe80::c144:fae2:7c20:dac9%18” is a link-local address. Similar to the previous explanation, link-local addresses are used for communication within a single network segment, such as a local area network (LAN) or a point-to-point link.

Now let’s break down the components of the address and their meanings:

– β€œfe80::”: This is the prefix that identifies the address as a link-local address.

– β€œc144:fae2:7c20:dac9”: These 64 bits make up the interface identifier, which uniquely identifies the network interface on the local network segment. The specific values in this portion of the address are specific to the device or network interface.

– β€œ%18”: This is the zone identifier or interface index. It indicates the network interface or scope to which the address is associated. In this case, β€œ18” is the interface index or identifier of the network interface to which the address belongs.

The presence of the zone identifier (%18) indicates that the address is associated with a specific network interface identified by the index number 18. This index number helps distinguish between multiple network interfaces on the same device.

In summary, the IPv6 address β€œfe80::c144:fae2:7c20:dac9%18” represents a link-local address that is unique to a particular network interface (identified by interface index 18) and is used for communication within a single network segment. .

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