
Browservice Linux Install and usage with AmigaOne X5000 and Odyssey browser.

Browservice Linux Install and usage with AmigaOne X5000 and Odyssey browser.

Setting up Browservice using Linux. When done some usage on my AmigoOne X5000

Browservice is a web “proxy” server that enables browsing the modern web on historical browsers. It works by rendering the browser viewport into images, which are then shown by a JavaScript application running on the client browser.
More detailed info: https://github.com/ttalvitie/browservice

Install using the steps below.

SSH into your linux box (as root) and add a user for the use of Browservice.

sudo adduser browservice

When done SSH into you linux box as the user you just created. In my case it is the user browservice

I create a Browservice directory in the homedir of the browservice user called Browservice

mkdir Browservice


Cd into the Browservice directory

cd Browservice

Download the latest version of Browservice.

wget https://github.com/ttalvitie/browservice/releases/download/v0.9.6.5/browservice-v0.9.6.5-x86_64.AppImage

chmod +x browservice-v0.9.6.5-x86_64.AppImage


Run browservice using the following command: (use the IP of your own browservice machine in the command.

./browservice-v0.9.6.5-x86_64.AppImage –vice-opt-http-listen-addr=

Install the Verdana Font if requested

./browservice-v0.9.6.5-x86_64.AppImage –install-verdana

Ready for Action

Now fire up Odessey browser on your Amiga and navigate to http://(ip.of.your.browservice):8080

The first time you navigate to this IP nothing might happen. The second time you will see the Browservice navigation bar appear.

Have Fun!

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