02. Course Outline of backend Series with Nodejs Expressjs and Mongodb #nodejs #backend

02. Course Outline of backend Series with Nodejs Expressjs and Mongodb #nodejs #backend

02. Course Outline of backend Series with Nodejs Expressjs and Mongodb #nodejs #backend

In this video we have explained the detailed course structure of our backend series with Nodejs Expressjs and MongoDB.

Welcome to the Backend Series with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB! In this comprehensive YouTube course, we will dive into the world of backend development using these powerful technologies.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Backend Development:

Understanding the role of backend development in web applications.
Exploring the benefits of using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
Setting Up the Development Environment:

Installing Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager).
Configuring Express.js and MongoDB.
Building a RESTful API with Express.js:

Understanding the concept of REST and its principles.
Creating routes and handling HTTP requests using Express.js.
Implementing CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for a resource.
Working with MongoDB:

Introduction to MongoDB and NoSQL databases.
Connecting to MongoDB from Node.js using the MongoDB driver.
Performing database operations such as inserting, querying, updating, and deleting documents.
User Authentication and Authorization:

Implementing user registration and login functionality.
Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure authentication.
Implementing role-based access control and authorization.
Error Handling and Validation:

Implementing error handling middleware.
Validating user input using libraries like Joi or Validator.js.
Testing and Debugging:

Writing unit tests using frameworks like Mocha or Jest.
Debugging Node.js applications using tools like the Node.js debugger or VS Code debugger.
Deployment and Production Considerations:

Preparing your application for deployment to a production environment.
Hosting options for Node.js applications.
Scaling considerations and best practices.
Building Real-World Projects:

Applying the learned concepts to build real-world projects such as a blogging platform or an e-commerce application.
Conclusion and Next Steps:

Recap of the course content.
Guidance on further learning resources and next steps in your backend development journey.
Join us on this exciting backend development journey with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Subscribe to our channel and stay tuned for regular updates as we delve into each topic in detail. Let’s get started!

Remember to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay updated with the latest episodes in this series. Let’s dive into the world of Node.js backend development together and unlock the power of server-side JavaScript!

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