
Increase FTP With Less Threshold Training

Increase FTP With Less Threshold Training

Why did we ride at threshold ?
Why should we still ride at threshold?
What should we do to increase ftp?

Training Packs mentioned, with new time crunched athlete pack on the way: https://www.evoq.bike/training-packs

Why did we ride at threshold?

* Riding solely at threshold in order to increase our lactate threshold is somewhat of an outdated training philosophy. I’m not knocking it! I was brought up on a threshold model, and did well, but I now know that it was not optimal. So, why did we utilize so much threshold training? We were under the impression that this was how we would increase it: ride at threshold, you’ll adapt, come back stronger, and push higher watts.
* This does not improve the lactate threshold which is related to your FTP

Lactate threshold is the inflection point where lactate exponentially increase, whereas FTP is the power you can put out in a quasi-steady state for around an hour

why ride at threshold?

*  Increased endurance at this power
* Increased muscular strength
* Familiarity with tolerating these levels of lactate.

What should we do instead

Vo2max intervals
over unders
some threshold
test #s at threshold

Constant power intervals should still be in your training diet for most of us, but NOT the main driver of FTP improvement.

Training Peaks Store with Pre-Built Workouts and access to some training guides: https://www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/search?language=en&sort.field=soldCount&sort.dir=desc&keyword=evoq&index=0



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