Node Express MongoDB Bootcamp 2023 – FS Module and Non Blocking I/O #2

Node Express MongoDB Bootcamp 2023 – FS Module and Non Blocking I/O #2

Node Express MongoDB Bootcamp 2023 - FS Module and Non Blocking I/O #2

#nodejs #expressjs #mongodb
Learn node express and mongodb. In this video, learn how to use fs module in node for writing and reading data from the files and into the files. Also learn what is non blocking I/O in node along with synchronous and asynchronous programming.

Non-blocking I/O is essential in Node.js because it allows the server to handle multiple concurrent operations efficiently without getting stuck waiting for I/O operations to finish. This makes Node.js particularly well-suited for handling high levels of concurrency and providing scalable and performant applications.

To achieve non-blocking I/O in Node.js, the underlying file system and network APIs are designed to provide asynchronous methods that accept callbacks or return promises. These methods initiate an I/O operation and allow the JavaScript code to continue executing without waiting for the operation to complete. Once the operation finishes, the callback is called or the promise is resolved, allowing the code to handle the result.


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