Python – Two-Sum Algorithm: Find Pairs in Array with Target Sum

Python – Two-Sum Algorithm: Find Pairs in Array with Target Sum

Python - Two-Sum Algorithm: Find Pairs in Array with Target Sum

This program is designed to find pairs of numbers in an array that sum up to a specified value. The find_sums function takes in an array of numbers and a target value. It iterates through the array and checks for pairs of numbers whose sum matches the target value. If a pair is found, the indices of the numbers are appended to the result list.

The find_pairs function utilizes the find_sums function to obtain the indices of pairs that sum up to the target value. If any pairs are found, it iterates through the indices and retrieves the corresponding numbers from the original array. It then prints a message indicating the pair of numbers found and their sum. If no pairs are found, it simply prints a message stating that no pairs were found.

In the main section, an array numbers is defined with the values [1, 5, 4, 2], and a target value find_added_value is set to 6. The find_pairs function is called with these parameters to find pairs of numbers in the numbers array that sum up to 6.

– Two-Sum Algorithm
– Find Pairs in Array with Target Sum

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