
Fix – An error occurred while initializing the YouTube player | Android Java YouTube Player tutorial

Fix – An error occurred while initializing the YouTube player | Android Java YouTube Player tutorial

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The YouTube Player API cannot be used any more, according to YouTube (https://developers.google.com/youtube/android/player) it’s SDK has been fully deprecated. It is no longer supported or maintained by YouTube. They suggest to use the YouTube IFrame Player API instead.

Download required files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S8yRzC_5XwHrmzik_ws0xG1_mkZSsIJb?usp=sharing

Reference: https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference

The YouTube Player API has been deprecated, but don’t worry! In this video tutorial, we’ll show you an alternative way to play YouTube videos in your Android app using WebView. Learn how to leverage WebView to embed and play YouTube videos seamlessly. We’ll walk you through the necessary steps to integrate WebView, handle video playback, and provide full-screen functionality. Say goodbye to the deprecated YouTube Player API and embrace this new approach to playing YouTube videos in your Android app. Join us in this tutorial to discover the power of WebView and enhance your video playback experience.

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