
How to Transfer a Domain from Namecheap to Cloudflare (Use Cloudflare as Your Domain Registrar!)

How to Transfer a Domain from Namecheap to Cloudflare (Use Cloudflare as Your Domain Registrar!)

In this video, we will transfer a domain from Namecheap to Cloudflare, so that we can take advantage of Cloudflare’s cheap domain renewal prices.

This guide assumes that you have already added your website to Cloudflare (e.g. – changed the domain nameservers to Cloudflare’s nameservers).

If you HAVE NOT completed this first step, please follow this guide: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9607/2210/how-to-set-up-dns-records-for-your-domain-in-cloudflare-account/

Once you’ve done this, you can easily transfer your domain into Cloudflare and renew your domain.

If you have any questions, or if you get stuck, leave a comment below.

– If you’re looking to buy a NEW domain name, check out Namecheap: https://www.wiyre.com/recommends/namecheapdotcom/
– Need web hosting? Check out Siteground! They are great for Wordpress sites: https://www.wiyre.com/recommends/siteground/

Both of these options are affordable, easy, and best of all, it helps support this channel, at no additional cost to you!

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