
Create Your First Github Actions | Spring Boot Backend #11

Create Your First Github Actions | Spring Boot Backend #11

In this video I will create my first Github Actions. I will use the CI/CD pipeline of Github to run several commands over my project. I will also show how to configure a self hosted runner.

This video belongs to a playlist where I show how to create a Spring Boot Backend, how to create a website step by step: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLab_if3UBk9-TuyqwMy3JvNHeCh7Ll9Wz

* What is a CI/CD platform. What is a Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployement platform;
* What are the main concepts of Github Actions;
* What is a step, a job and a workflow in the Github Actions;
* What are the available runners: the Github hosted runners and the self-hosted runners;
* Create my first YAML file to configure the workflow;
* Configure my self-hosted runner.

* Github Actions: https://github.com/orgs/actions/repositories
* Github Marketplace Actions: https://github.com/marketplace?type=actions

Repository: https://github.com/serlesen/backend-social-network/tree/chapter_11

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