
2023👏黃仁勳台大演說🌈中英字幕Nvidia Jensen Huang Commencement Speech@NTU 中文翻譯

2023👏黃仁勳台大演說🌈中英字幕Nvidia Jensen Huang Commencement Speech@NTU 中文翻譯

2023 National Taiwan University NTU Commencement Speech by 黃仁勳 Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of Nvidia- 於1963年2月17在台灣出生,1972年與家人遷往美國,後來被送往美國肯塔基州一間基督教學校就讀,完成課程後遷往俄勒岡州。15歲時參加美國乒乓球公開賽,在青年組雙打賽事中奪得季軍。1984年於俄勒岡州立大學取得電氣工程學位,其後在斯坦福大學取得碩士學位。1993年創立NVIDIA(全球最大顯卡芯片廠商)。黃仁勳是圈子裏有名的工作狂,他曾經解釋自己為何如此狂熱:為了我們的孩子們,讓他們的將來更好一些。
此頻道所有內容由本人按講者最接近意思翻譯, 不是A I逐句直接翻譯哦!
訂閱+ 👍 就是對我們最大的支持哦 ~ 我們一起學習吧!
其他方法支持我🙇🏻‍♀️: 在Amazon購物時, 可以順便在這裏先點擊任何affiliate連結, 那我可以賺取微小的佣金哦! 🙏🙏 (不會影響你購買的物品和價錢的 and these links work globally)

* 📖 有用Nvidia的產品(包括華碩)
https://amzn.to/45K4dhr (Amazon link)

Other suggested products:
1. 🎧40000+個極高評價🤑藍牙入耳機🎧Samsung Earbuds https://amzn.to/3Ky2z8I
2. 我的device💻 https://amzn.to/406emkq
3. Apple Watch https://amzn.to/41lYGuw
~美式中說(American Values in Chinese) Youtube 頻道~

作為頻道創辦人,我從本地成績平平的學生一直奮鬥到以外地生身份進美國長春藤大學。現在,我希望很多有心人也可以和我一樣學到我在美國見識到的思維模式,而學生們也可以更有方法地考進美國的好大學。所以我想在這裡分享一些特別有用的英語演講,配有清楚的中英字幕,讓大家學習美式英語之余,也可以學到美國精英們的成功哲學、人生意義等,為美國升學做好準備!如果你想和我們一起學習及進步的話,請加入我們~~ 點擊訂閱按鈕~~ 謝謝大家支持!

👆 請訂閱支持我們吧 ♥️

As the founder of this channel, I went from being an average student in a small city in Asia to attending an Ivy League university in the U.S. Now, I want to help students all over Asia gain the success mindset that I acquired in the U.S. and learn insider secrets to get admitted to top U.S. schools. On my channel, I share inspiring speeches from highly successful Americans who offer their winning mindset, philosophies on life, and more. These speeches are available with English and Chinese subtitles, so that we can all learn about their success thinking and about American English at the same time. If you’re looking to unlock your inner greatness and prepare for future success in the US, please join our community and hit the subscribe button. Thank you for your support!

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Videos on this channel are made for educational/commentary purposes in accordance with Fair Use laws. If you are the copyright owner of the original film and want to have the images removed, please contact ustalkcn@gmail.com

#學英文 #台大 #黃仁勳

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