
Tomcat / Talpirid Mole Trap tips and repair

Tomcat / Talpirid Mole Trap tips and repair

In this video I talk about precautions to take when using these traps and how to disassemble and combine broken traps. BTW, I have twice caught moles with traps that had a broken “tooth”, so they can still be effective. The more traps the better!

July 2022, It’s been awhile since I’ve had any mole activity, but sure enough I got some new trails after my neighbor had noticed some. A lot of videos will tell you to poke holes in the tunnels and to come back a day later to see which trails were repaired so you can set traps. Well, I don’t like to wait an extra day, so that’s why I have all these traps. I just set them up right away anywhere that looks like a good spot. Mainly you’ll catch them on long runs that head towards a feeding area where there are lots of trails. So… I set out about 5 traps and caught a mole right away on a long tunnel. I haven’t had any new activity since that one was caught. Good luck!

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