Clone a Website in Minutes: Step-by-Step Guide using Wget and CMD 2023

Clone a Website in Minutes: Step-by-Step Guide using Wget and CMD 2023

Clone a Website in Minutes: Step-by-Step Guide using Wget and CMD 2023

In this video, you will learn how to #clone a website using #wget and the Command Prompt (CMD) on Windows. Cloning a website is a useful technique that allows you to create a copy of a website’s files and directories on your local machine. This can be helpful for various purposes, such as creating a backup of a website or offline browsing. wget is a command-line utility that enables you to download files from the web, and CMD is the default command-line interpreter in Windows.

This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process of cloning a website using wget and CMD. You will learn how to install wget on your Windows machine, navigate to the wget directory in CMD, and use wget to clone a website. The video will also cover how to access the cloned website and browse it locally.

Whether you’re a web developer, a website owner, or just someone who wants to save a website for offline viewing, this video will provide you with a simple and effective method for cloning a website using wget and CMD. By the end of the video, you’ll be able to clone any website you want in just a few minutes!
#wget, #CMD, #websitecloning, #websitedownload, #webdevelopment, #offlinebrowsing, #backupwebsite, #tutorial, #stepbystep, #Windows, #commandline, #websitecopy, #savewebsite, #webdesign, #webmasters.

=======================SITE TO DOWNLOAD WGET================
Use this link to download for windows:

========================CODE FOR CMD========================
After downloading the exe file we have to move this exe file into C Drive -: Windows -: System32
then open the terminal and type this command
wget –mirror –convert-links –adjust-extension –page-requisites –no-parent

================TO PURCHASE BACKEND FOR THE SCRIPT========
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