
AWS API Gateway Overview and Hands-On | Integration with Lambda | Lambda Authorizer

AWS API Gateway Overview and Hands-On | Integration with Lambda | Lambda Authorizer

AWS API Gateway is one of the most important AWS Serverless Services from App Modernization and Micro-Services Architecture perspective. It offers a wide range of capabilities. In the hands-on YouTube Video, we will cover following areas in the Hands-On video:
1. API Types – HTTP API, WebSocket API, REST API, REST API (Private)
2. API Endpoint Types – Edge-optimized, Regional, Private
3. Resources
4. Methods
5. Integration – Lambda , HTTP endpoint, Mock, AWS Service, VPC Link
6. Deployment
7. Stage
8. Authentication and Authorization – IAM, Cognito, Lambda Authorizer
9. Usage Plans and API Keys
10. API Integration and Private API’s

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