Qojqva's Anti-Mage Blink into first hit Bash

Qojqva's Anti-Mage Blink into first hit Bash

Qojqva's Anti-Mage Blink into first hit Bash


Junglenaut is a channel dedicated to Dota 2 content, clipping videos about Dota 2, and capturing some of the variety of Dota 2 moments and informative gameplay that pro players do.

Credit : Max “Qojqva” Bröcker
You can watch & follow “Qojqva” here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Source : 👉 https://www.twitch.tv/qojqva

“No copyright infringement is intended.”

If you own the clip and want it taken down, please send me an email at [email protected].
