
Creating MongoDB Connection – NodeJS || Hindi #85

Creating MongoDB Connection – NodeJS || Hindi #85

Clone the project to practice: https://github.com/codingscenes/nodeJsCourse/tree/35-cloned-previous-note-project

Lecture Code: https://github.com/codingscenes/nodeJsCourse/tree/36-creating-mongodb-connection

In this video, we will see how to connect to a MongoDB database using the MongoClient in a Node.js application. To initiates the connection to the MongoDB database using the connect method of the MongoClient class. The connect method uses a connection string as an argument, specifying the MongoDB server and other connection options. A Promise-based approach to handle the asynchronous nature of the connect method. The then method is called when the connection is successfully established. It takes a callback function as an argument, which receives the client object representing the connected MongoDB client.


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