Ram TRX med Ferrita Powerpack – galen!

Ram TRX med Ferrita Powerpack – galen!

Ram TRX med Ferrita Powerpack - galen!

Prestandamonstret med Ferrita Powerpack, ännu mer aggressiv än som den kom från fabrik! Med rostfritt handtillverkat avgassystem och optimerad mjukvara är den en otroligt kraftfull uppenbarelse, lika kompetent på vägen som vid sidan av.

Häng med oss när vi provkör på GTR Motorpark – men varning för barnförbjudna kraftuttryck. Missa inte påskägget i slutet, Dodge vet hur de ska hantera konkurrenterna…

Den här och en tidigare visad Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series kommer du kunna stifta närmare bekantskap med i Ferritas monter under årets Custom Motor Show i Elmia-hallarna i Jönköping 7-10 april. Ingen tokig mix va? Höj ljudet nu och gasa!

Website: http://www.ferrita.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ferritasweden/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ferritasweden/

Ferrita manufactures stainless steel exhaust systems for all types of vehicles and specialized products for process industries. We are ambitious for the future and with our customers, suppliers and others, we want to bring real added value for everyone involved. Our involvement in motorsports represents an important part of this added value.

The business idea is, in brief, that through the development and manufacture of stainless steel exhaust systems provide the automotive aftermarket industry with sound, power and environmentally friendly alternatives in the exhaust area.
Our business and products will be long-term improved through conscious efforts to streamline processes and staff skills, focusing on quality and environment. For the customer, of course, we always provide products with the best quality products at a competitive price.
Ferrita aims to be market leader in Scandinavia in stainless steel exhaust systems for cars, heavy vehicles and construction machinery. With a documented quality and environmental ISO standard, Ferrita´s quest to customers, staff and environmental awareness is to permeate our business environment, customer trust and qualitative level.

Ferrita will never compromise on quality, do not forget the people behind and the need for experience for all senses.