
MySQL – How to Reset the Root Password?

MySQL – How to Reset the Root Password?

In this mysql tutorial we’ll show you how to reset the root password in mysql server. All you need to do is the following:
1) Start your MySQL server, MariaDB server, or Percona server without a password:
sudo mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables &
2) Connect to your database instance:
mysql -uroot
3) Run the sql query below (replace “password” with a stronger password):
UPDATE user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD(“password”) WHERE User = ‘root’;
4) Finally, flush the privileges:

Also check some of the sql interview questions and answers below – if you’ve found yourself searching for mysql how to reset root password, you will certainly find these sql interview questions and answers for experienced developers and DBAs interesting:

Q: Is sql injection very dangerous? How to avoid it?
A: Yes, sql injection is a very dangerous security flaw. To avoid sql injection, avoid passing user input straight to a database.

Q: How does a sql index improve sql query performance?
A: A sql index improves database performance by acting as an “index” in a book: by using a sql index your database knows how to find your data in a quick fashion. If you’re after a sql indexes explained video we advise you watch one of our videos on a sql index and its performance.

Q: Explain sql in 100 seconds.
A: SQL is a programming language allowing for work with various RDBMS including mysql server, mariadb server, percona server, and others.

Q: Are sql interview questions for experienced developers and DBAs very difficult?
A: No, these sql interview questions for experienced DBAs aren’t very complex for a DBA worth their salt.

Q: Explain sql joins.
A: sql joins are used to combine rows from a couple of tables in a database management system.

Q: Is mariadb installation very difficult? Is there a difference between mariadb installation linux and mariadb setup on windows?
A: No, mariadb windows installation is pretty much the same as installation on Linux. We advise you to refer to the documentation and use the mysql_secure_installation script upon installation.

Q: Will you make a mariadb tutorial on sql indexes, sql queries, etc.?
A: Yes, if necessary, we’ll make a mariadb tutorial as well.

Q: MySQL password not working. What do I do?
A: Please run a search through our channel – we’ve made a SQL tutorial on this.

Q: What file should be used for mysql server configuration?
A: my.cnf or my.ini.

Q: What’s the mysql my.cnf location?
A: The location of the file can vary, but some of the most common locations include:
* /etc/my.cnf (the most common location.)
* /etc/mysql/my.cnf
* /[datadirectory]/my.cnf
* ~/.my.cnf.

Q: What are some of the most popular SQL commands?
A: CRUD queries are the most popular SQL queries. They can be used to create (insert), read (select), update, or delete data.

Q: What storage engine should we use in our MySQL install?
A: Use either InnoDB or Percona XtraDB. If there’s a necessity to run COUNT(*) queries, use MyISAM, because InnoDB and Percona XtraDB don’t store the row count internally while MyISAM does.

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