The Simplest Way to List Data in ASP.NET

The Simplest Way to List Data in ASP.NET

The Simplest Way to List Data in ASP.NET

Are you a .NET developer and have some data you just want to simply display on your site? Sure there are tons of options out there, like 3rd party control vendors or community project, but what if you could use something built into .NET? If so, this video is for you! In this video, I will be showing off a cool new feature in ASP.NET Core called Blazor QuickGrid, which brings rich datagrid experiences to your apps, without 3rd party dependencies!

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For more information on Blazor QuickGrid, just out the links below.

Also shoutout to Jimmy Engstrom for this StageCoder Visual Studio Extension, which is great for coding while talking!

#aspnet #csharp #dotnet #grid #data