
Linux Command Line (10) Copy Files and Directories

Linux Command Line (10) Copy Files and Directories

The copy command works similar to the move command, the word copy is shortened down to 2 letters cp and then we type in the source and the destination

cp errorfile.txt Newdirectory

To copy to the same directory you would type cp the filename then the copy-filename

cp errorfile.txt errorfile-copy.txt

We can add options -f for force (overwrite if file exists), -n for no-clobber (Do not overwrite file if it exits), -v for verbose, and -i for interactive (Ask before overwriting the file) to the copy command

cp -vi errorfile.txt Newdirectory

We add some files to the Newdirectory2 directory with the command:
Touch Newdirectory/Newdirectory2/file{a,b,c}.txt

This will create three files filea.txt, fileb.txt, and filec.txt

When copying a directory, we must use the -r option to recursively copy everything in that directory
cp -r Newdirectory/Newdirectory2/ .

If you use the -i for interactive when copying a directory, it will ask to confirm copy file for every file in that directory (control+c with cancel you out of that)

Using the -u option will only copy files that have been updated

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