
JavaScript OOP Simplified – Master the Basics and Build a Real-World Project | Stack Learner

JavaScript OOP Simplified – Master the Basics and Build a Real-World Project | Stack Learner

JavaScript OOP Simplified – Master the Basics and Build a Real-World Project | Stack Learner

Discover JavaScript OOP through a crash course that includes building a real-world project. Gain proficiency in objects, classes, and constructors. Explore the significance of polymorphism and relationships. Dive into case studies to understand practical applications. Learn about methods, private properties, getters/setters, and toString override. Unlock the potential of static methods and inheritance. Understand the usage of symbols for private properties. Create classes like Person, Guardian, Student, Employee, Teacher, etc. Strengthen your skills with implementation examples. Master JavaScript OOP for effective project development.

00:00:00 Intro
00:01:51 OOP – What The Heck is This
00:41:33 Things That Are Important In OOP
00:51:35 Hide My Ass
00:58:12 Object is A Capsule
01:04:52 True Relationship
01:24:59 Object is Polymorphic
01:30:40 OOP Language
01:36:09 OOP Case Study 01
03:03:33 OOP Case Study 02
03:26:28 OOP Case Study 03
03:52:47 Object, Class and Constructor
04:11:58 Methods
04:23:07 Private Properties
04:33:37 Getter Setter
04:45:16 toString Override
04:50:33 Static Methods
05:03:09 Inheritance
05:32:56 Private Property using Symbol
05:42:04 Create Person Class
05:52:19 Guardian and Uniperson
06:03:38 Student Employee
06:14:13 Teacher and Stuff
06:21:28 Address and Contact
06:35:10 Department, Subject and Exam
06:46:59 OOP Implementation

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