
Master Flutter Riverpod 2.0 | Notification | Sqlite | Firebase | Task Management App Tutorial

Master Flutter Riverpod 2.0 | Notification | Sqlite | Firebase | Task Management App Tutorial

This is a Flutter app development course for beginners to advanced learners using some technical features like Riverpod 2.0, Sqlite, Firebase login and Local notification. This could be used a advanced todo app or task management app tutorial.

The app development process is fun, since this starts with a beautiful ui and slowly walks down to advanced concepts like, Sqlite CRUD operations, Generating providers with freezed package, Android dynamic color, Firebase login with OTP and at the end covers flutter local notification both for Android and iOS.

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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Flutter Riverpod tutorial

00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:55 Creating a flutter app
00:17:28 Installing and initializing flutter screen utils
00:27:22 Creating a custom text widget and with a custom font and screen utils
00:32:35 Using private class to set up constant variables
00:38:29 Introduction to Columns, Rows, custom spacers
00:49:11 Onboarding Screen with stack page view and align widget
01:18:08 Adding images and designing onboarding screen
01:28:42 Creating custom buttons
01:38:44 Login Page with custom text form field
02:07:29 Setting up country picker
02:27:12 Pinput for phone auth
02:35:38 Creating an extended appbar
02:52:45 Detached TabBar and Tab bar view
03:14:55 Expansion tile widget and how to create reusable expansion tiles
03:52:48 Working with switchers
04:21:03 Creating models using quicktype.io
04:28:20 Riverpod code generator theory
04:48:16 Setting up the app for code generation and running our example
05:05:16 Generating provider for expansion widget trailers and setting up reactive ui
05:18:34 Sqflite cruds
05:52:01 Android Dynamic Colors
05:59:30 Generating todo provider and todo related logic
06:21:52 Add Task page with custom widgets
06:35:07 Generating code for dates and time providers
06:38:54 Setting up datetime picker and consuming our providers
06:51:40 Field validation and adding our first todo
07:25:54 Populating the expansion tile children list
07:46:59 Marking todos as complete and Completed Todos list
08:00:57 Updating tasks
08:15:13 Firebase setup with CLI and getting the SHA1 and SHA256 keys
08:29:16 Firebase phone Auth
10:09:51 Notifications page
10:32:47 Local Notifications for both android and iOs
11:49:18 Logout

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