
NVR Server Installation Process in Vista

NVR Server Installation Process in Vista

NVR installation process can be divided into three parts NVR server installation, NVR workstation installation and IIS installation. This document will cover the first part which is NVR server installation in Windows Vista.

If you have already obtained the installation files of NVR Enterprise server and NVR Workstation either from a DVD or ACTi website, you can extract the zip file named ACTi NVR Enterprise Server and execute autorun.exe file. During the installation process of NVR in Vista, you might be prompted to turn off the User Account Control (or UAC). If this happens then confirm the turn-off, restart PC, and run the installer again in order to continue the installation.

After that you have an option to register online for more benefits. However, you can also skip it for now and do the registration later.

Click on the install NVR enterprise server.

At this stage of installation process, you can make the backup of existing databases if you have used NVR in this computer before and you want to use the data with new NVR. If you are installing the NVR for the first time, then directly click on install NVR server main program.

The system is preparing for installation.

Press Next to proceed.

Here you can choose the location of NVR, or you can simply keep the default setting and press next.

NVR needs to use Microsoft SQL 2005 in order to do the data management. At this stage of installation NVR will install SQL 2005 SP3 if the database is not found in this computer. If you already use SQL 2005, please upgrade to SQL 2005 SP3 before continuing. You also have to decide how NVR connects to the database either using NVR generated account name and password, which is recommended, or use windows user account instead. If you get an error while choosing server authentication then try using windows authentication instead. Please press next.

You are expected to have at least 240 MB free space on hard disk. Please press next.

And then press Install.

Wait until the NVR is installed completely.

Press finish.

And restart the computer.

After restarting the computer, you will see NVR Server in your programs list. Now you need to continue with installing the workstation and IIS.

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