
MariaDB SET foreign_key_checks=0: What is it?

MariaDB SET foreign_key_checks=0: What is it?

In this mariadb tutorial we’ll walk you through the MariaDB SET foreign_key_checks=0 variable: we’ll tell you what it is, how it works, and what to do about it.
Bear in mind that what pertains to the MariaDB SET foreign_key_checks=0 variable also pertains to MySQL server and Percona Server as well.

In MySQL server, foreign_key_checks are enforced by the InnoDB and NDB storage engines. In the concept of DBMS, foreign keys link data in one table to data in another table.

Setting this mysql server variable to 0 will allow your database to prevent checking for foreign key contstraints which can make insert operations a little faster.
Disabling this variable allows you to insert data that violates foreign key constraints.

If you do disable the MariaDB SET foreign_key_checks=0 variable in any of the flavors of MySQL server (MariaDB or Percona Server), don’t forget to re-enable it after your data has been successfully imported run a query like SET foreign_key_checks=1 or re-enable it via my.cnf.

We’ve compiled some of the sql interview questions and answers below:

Q: Is sql injection very dangerous? How to avoid it?
A: Yes, sql injection is a very dangerous security flaw. To avoid sql injection, avoid passing user input straight to a database.

Q: How does a sql index improve sql query performance?
A: A sql index improves database performance by acting as an “index” in a book: by using a sql index your database knows how to find your data in a quick fashion. If you’re after a sql indexes explained video we advise you watch one of our videos on a sql index and its performance.

Q: Explain sql in 100 seconds.
A: SQL is a programming language allowing for work with various RDBMS including mysql server, mariadb server, percona server, and others.

Q: Are sql interview questions for experienced developers and DBAs very difficult?
A: No, these sql interview questions for experienced DBAs aren’t very complex for a DBA worth their salt.

Q: Explain sql joins.
A: sql joins are used to combine rows from a couple of tables in a database management system.

Q: Is mariadb installation very difficult? Is there a difference between mariadb installation linux and mariadb setup on windows?
A: No, mariadb windows installation is pretty much the same as installation on Linux. We advise you to refer to the documentation and use the mysql_secure_installation script upon installation.

Q: Will you make a mariadb tutorial on sql indexes, sql queries, etc.?
A: Yes, if necessary, we’ll make a mariadb tutorial as well.

Q: MySQL password not working. What do I do?
A: Please run a search through our channel – we’ve made a SQL tutorial on this.

Q: What file should be used for mysql server configuration?
A: my.cnf or my.ini.

Q: What’s the mysql my.cnf location?
A: The location of the file can vary, but some of the most common locations include:
* /etc/my.cnf (the most common location.)
* /etc/mysql/my.cnf
* /[datadirectory]/my.cnf
* ~/.my.cnf.

Q: What are some of the most popular SQL commands?
A: CRUD queries are the most popular SQL queries. They can be used to create (insert), read (select), update, or delete data.

Q: What storage engine should we use in our MySQL install?
A: Use either InnoDB or Percona XtraDB. If there’s a necessity to run COUNT(*) queries, use MyISAM, because InnoDB and Percona XtraDB don’t store the row count internally while MyISAM does.

Enjoy the video!

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