
Building a Functional Phonebook with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and MongoDB Integration

Building a Functional Phonebook with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and MongoDB Integration

Acabei de concluir um projeto de agenda que integra JavaScript, HTML, CSS e utiliza o MongoDB como banco de dados. Esse projeto prioriza um código funcional, deixando a estilização em segundo plano, como você pode perceber. Quanto mais eu me aprofundo nessa linguagem, mais fascinante ela se torna!

Aqui está o repositório no Github: https ://github.com/Gabriel2Mello/Agenda-Phonebook-JS

I have completed a phonebook project showcasing the integration of JavaScript, HTML, CSS and uses MongoDB as the database. This project focuses more on functional code rather than extensive styling, as you can see. The more I delve into this language, the more fascinated I become with its capabilities!

Here is the Github repository: https ://github.com/Gabriel2Mello/Agenda-Phonebook-JS

#CSS #JavaScript #HTML #WebDevelopment #Programming #SoftwareDevelopment #FrondEndDevelopment #ProjectShowcase #TechSkills #MongoDB #DatabaseIntegration

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