
Factories Without Orders: Wave of Closures Spread Across China's Manufacturing & Retail Industries

Factories Without Orders: Wave of Closures Spread Across China's Manufacturing & Retail Industries

China’s Logistics Industry Collapse: 13 Million Truck Drivers Vanish 800 Thousand Companies Bankrupt

Have you ever wondered what would happen if, one day, all the trucks in China disappeared?

Well, wonder no more.

Because that day has come.

Not literally, but for all intents and purposes, they might as well have.

In a shocking turn of events, China’s logistics industry has collapsed, leaving more than 13 million truck drivers without a job, and over 800 thousand companies declaring bankruptcy.

It doesn’t take a disaster management analyst to understand that this is a disaster of epic proportions.

In today’s video we look at China’s Logistics Industry Collapse: 13 Million Truck Drivers Vanish 800 Thousand Companies Bankrupt

Subscribe for Geopolitics, Global Controversy, and International Events. Inspired by Business Basics, Economics Explained, and ColdFusion.

Inspired by China’s Logistics Industry Collapse: 13 Million Truck Drivers Vanish,800 Thousand Companies

Inspired by Why The Trucking Industry Is So Fragmented And Chaotic

Inspired by How Truck Driving Became One Of The Worst Jobs In The US

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