How to create SQL Stored Procs – Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures

How to create SQL Stored Procs – Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures

How to create SQL Stored Procs - Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures

For this SQL Server 2012 training video, we go over SQL stored procedures. You can use stored procedures to execute Transact SQL statements in a single batch. The SQL stored procedure run faster than ad hoc TSQL and also helps with code reuse and portability in MS SQL 2012. You have the ability to use parameters, return codes and raise exceptions with SQL Server stored procs. In this SQL tutorial, we are going to create different stored procedures. The first one copies a file from one location to another. We show you the basic syntax on how to create stored procedure. Next we use a stored procedure to run a SSIS package using xp_cmdshell. We end the training video with calculating Sales by Product in a database. We use SQL Sum and Group By SQL commands.