
2 – How Does a Domain Name and Web-Hosting Work?

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2 – How Does a Domain Name and Web-Hosting Work?

Welcome to the second video from this tutorial. In this one, you will learn why you need to have a domain name and a web-host provider for your website. I know when people start out these are two things they find complicated. However, in this video everything will turn crystal clear.

How Does a Domain Name Work?

For you to understand what is a domain name, first we need to talk about IP address also known as Internet Protocol.

Every single machine connected to the Internet this can be: a laptop, static computer, printer etc. Has a particular IP address that looks something like:

When one computer needs to get information from another it needs to know its IP address so it can connect.

Let’s say you go to a Prositeutorials.com, what exactly happens?

1. Your computer tries to find the IP address of the server where all the information of Prositetutorials.com is saved.
2. Once your computer has the IP, it connects to its server and retrieves all the information this includes: images, content, etc and you’re able to see Prositetutorials.com website on your screen.

You should see an IP address as a phone number. When you want to talk to someone else you need to know that person’s phone number, same thing happens between computers but in this case to transfer data.

What is a Domain Name?

Just imagine if you wanted to go to Google.com you needed to know its IP address, which looks like: 173.194.45
Later on, you wanted to go to another website and you needed a different IP, wouldn’t it be crazy to remember all these numbers?

I think people would go mad that’s why we have domain names for example:

– Google.com
– Prositetutorials.com
– Youtube.com

Because we have an easier time remembering names instead of numbers. In other words, a domain name is an address for a particular website. Every single website on the Internet must have one. In our next videos, I’ll show you how to choose one for free.

What is a Web-host Provider?

For you to put your website on the Internet, you must have a web-host provider. This is nothing more than a company that offers some storing space in their servers so you can save all the files belonging to your website. Also, they will put your website on the Internet so everyone can view it.

My prefered web-host provider is Bluehost. They have a fantastic 24/7 support to help you out, very reliable servers and great uploading time for

Pro Website Course Video List:

1 – How To Start A Blog And Make Money From Scratch | http://youtu.be/kXgKUUxyeds
2 – How Does a Domain Name and Web-Hosting Work? | http://youtu.be/tPtJeOeemP8
3 – What is the Difference Between Wordpress.com and Wordpress.org? | http://youtu.be/Ans0s5x_67I
4 – Easiest Way To Make a Wordpress Website In 6 Steps | http://youtu.be/ISCJM18zSUQ
5 – How To Choose A Web-Hosting Provider And Domain Name? | http://youtu.be/wHkFLk6ESbo
6 – How To Set Up Bluehost Email For Your Wordpress Website | http://youtu.be/SoZgqcZ15gw
7 – How To Install Wordpress on Bluehost | http://youtu.be/2ieO4ECukis
8 – How To Login To Wordpress Backoffice And Quick Overview | http://youtu.be/WLd04Jvmwto
9 – How to Install a Wordpress Theme | http://youtu.be/XTOlfr_iFz8
10 – How To Customize Wordpress Theme | http://youtu.be/fOHrMETQRrw
11 – How To Create and Edit New Pages in Wordpress | http://youtu.be/nkqg9c8Yl_w
12 – How To Create Posts In Wordpress? Use Categories and Tags? | http://youtu.be/9tY-j2NzV8M
13 – How To Create a Wordpress Custom Menu? | http://youtu.be/lOCCdaw-oDk
14 – How To Backup Your Wordpress Website | http://youtu.be/b4txJx1tAJ07
15 – How To Create a Privacy Policy In Wordpress | http://youtu.be/SUlstSVdMG0
16 – How to Install Web-Analytics On Wordpress? | http://youtu.be/X_Jh8ZVgd9g
17 – How To Use Clicky Web-Analytics For Wordpress | http://youtu.be/stVDi0nn_90
18 – How To SEO Your Wordpress Website | http://youtu.be/Ficp4_wBZ4E
19 – How To Create An Email Newsletter In Wordpress | Getresponse Tutorial | http://youtu.be/33kkMnKq3vQ

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