
Code Flash Swaps & Arbitrage on Uniswap V3 Pools | Solidity & JavaScript | Borrow, Arbitrage & Repay

Do you know how to take a flash loan from a Uniswap V3 pool, use it to make swaps on other pools, and then pay back the loan in a single transaction?
That’s what flash swaps in Uniswap V3 allow you to do. I’ll walk you through code to implement this.
We are going to take a flash loan from one Uniswap pool, generate profits via arbitrage on two other pools, and then pay back the loan.
We’ll do all this programmatically with JavaScript and Solidity.

Code: https://gist.github.com/BlockmanCodes/d0068cfc56ab67925dfd4b854ffea8fc

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