
金庸作品集《俠客行》第六回 – 傷疤(上)

金庸作品集《俠客行》第六回 – 傷疤(上)




有聲讀物可以提高他們的獨立性,不需要依賴他人為他們閱讀。可以通過許多平台(如 CD、mp3,甚至流媒體服務)。這是促進包容和平等獲取信息的好方法。

This video wants to make an audio version of the novel for the blind.

It is important to care about others and community, it is a way of showing humanity and being responsible to others. And be tolerant, patient and respectful.

Audiobooks offer an accessible option for the visually impaired to enjoy literature. Besides that, try to understand the needs and difficulties of the disadvantaged communities and provide them with help and support in a positive way.

Audiobooks can increase their independence and not need to rely on others to read to them. Available through many platforms (such as CD, mp3, and even streaming services). This is a great way to promote inclusion and equal access to information.

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